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CircleCalc Paris - Save Time and Get it Right

Overwhelmed by the number of routines you have to track?
Tired of the hassle of routine and inquiry forms?

Five athletes  x  one competition = 20 routines.  Add more athletes and more competitions and you easily get to into an unmanageable situation.   10 athletes  x  10 competitions = 400 routines

CircleCalc Can Help
CircleCalc has been used for more than a decade in Men's Gymnastics and is highly respected for its evaluation of each routine as if a brevet level judge is calculating a start value.

Choose the Solution Used by Champions
CircleCalc is used by many of the top NCAA men's teams, including NCAA champions Michigan, Illinois, Oklahoma, and Stanford, by Team USA at the Rio Olympics, London Olympics, and Glasgow, Antwerp and Nanning World Championships and by many top club teams, including WOGA and national men's champion Cypress Academy.

Now, CircleCalc provides the same powerful support for women's gymnastics.

Put CircleCalc to Work for Your Team
Simply enter your athletes' routines. CircleCalc will track your athletes' routines, review routines for construction errors, and allow you to easily print routines for your athletes. When you're satisfied, just click print to finish your routine and inquiry forms.

And, it's always current: CircleCalc is immediately updated whenever a rule change occurs, so you'll never go to a competition with start values based on old rules.

Invest Your Time Where it Counts
While CircleCalc manages the details, you can spend your time where it matters most - working with your athletes.

Get Started Now for Just $23/Month ($184 per year)
To subscribe, visit and click on the Get CircleCalc WAG button. Click on the Run CircleCalc WAG button for a free trial. In CircleCalc, click on LOGIN without entering a username or password.